Pindrop’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
This statement is published on behalf of Pindrop Security, Inc. and Pindrop Security UK Limited (collectively, “Pindrop”). Pindrop recognizes that it has a responsibility to take an approach to help prevent slavery and human trafficking risks in relation to our business. This statement sets out Pindrop’s actions to put in place steps aimed at preventing slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains.
Our Business
Pindrop is a global provider of technology solutions that help detect fraud and authenticate callers. Our head office is located in Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. Pindrop Security UK Limited is Pindrop Security, Inc.’s subsidiary. We do not consider our business or supply chains to be at high risk of slavery or human trafficking because of the nature of our business.
Our Policies and Practices on Anti-Slavery and Anti-Human Trafficking
Pindrop respects human rights and we are committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking risks in relation to our business. As a provider of technology solutions for fraud detection and voice authentication, we consider our business or supply chains to be at low risk to slavery or human trafficking in comparison to other industries. Nevertheless, we have measures in place to further prevent slavery or human trafficking from occurring in our business or supply chains, including:
- Mandatory compliance by all employees with a Code of Ethics that sets the expectation that they conduct business in accordance with both the letter and spirit of relevant laws;
- An established and confidential process by which employees can anonymously report known or suspected violations of laws, rules, regulations, or the Code of Ethics to our legal and human resources teams;
- Mandatory workplace harassment training and an established process by which any Pindrop employee can report instances of discrimination, sexual or other forms of harassment, violence, or other improper behaviors for investigation by our legal and human resources teams;
- Protection against retaliation for reporting violations, harassment, violence, or other improper behavior;
- Commitment to protecting the safety of our employees, and the expectation that all employees will contribute to a safe work environment.
Further Steps
To support a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we will provide training to our employees. Additionally, a periodic review of this statement will take place against our activities to establish whether the approach we have taken remains proportionate and in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2024.
This statement has been approved and endorsed by the executive leadership teams of Pindrop Security, Inc. and Pindrop Security UK Limited.
\Clarissa Cerda\
Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, Pindrop Security, Inc.
Director, Pindrop Security UK Limited
January 28, 2025