Authentication 102: Securing Authentication

Authentication 102: Securing Authentication is part two in a three-part series on authentication in the contact center.

This second installment in our Authentication series will explore key concepts around securing authentication, take a deep dive into the topic of fraud versus authentication and examine how they are different, how they complement each other, and how they can be leveraged together to strengthen the contact center.

Learn the best practices in leveraging risk as part of a policy-based multifactor authentication strategy.

Discover best practices in using risk as part of your enrollment and authentication strategy.

Identify the differences between authentication and authorization.

Meet the Experts:

Jay Hart

Principal Sales Engineer at Pindrop

Dave Dalebroux

Principal Sales Engineer at Pindrop

Voice security is
not a luxury—it’s
a necessity

Take the first step toward a safer, more secure future
for your business.